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diabetes & you magazine summer 2009, free @ wags

this is a free wags magazine available in the pharmacy area.

coupons in the summer 2009 issue are:

Benefiber, ANY $2 off Exp 8/31/09, page 12 "good only at walgreens"

Biotene (excl. trial size) $2 off Exp 9/30/09, page 17 "redeemable at walgreens stores only"

Colgate, any 6 oz + $1.50 off 2 Exp 9/1/09, page 14 "redeemable at walgreens"

Finest Natural Chromium Picolinate Product, ANY $1 off Exp 9/30/09, page 25 "good only at walgreens"

Walgreens by Ace $2 off Exp 9/15/09, page 28

my source:
a full cup