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10/12 - 10/18 weekly deals

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RR Deals

$2RR wyb 4/$5 Dr pepper, A&W, Sunkist 2ltr.

$5 RR wyb $15 Unilever Items.
Bertolli $6
Hellman's 2/$7
-$.60 Hellmann's Mayo, any 18+oz 08-17 RP
-$1 Hellmann's Mayo, any 18+oz 08-17 RP
Skippy/Ragu 3/$5
-$.50 off 2 Ragu Pasta Sauce, Any 8-17 RP
-$1 off 2 Ragu Pasta Sauce, Any 8-17 RP
-$1 off 3 Ragu Pasta Sauce, Any 8-17 RP
Breyers 2/$7
country crock 2/$3

$3 RR wyb 4 or more Dove items
Dove on sale for 25%off
-$1.50 off Dove Cream Oil Body Lotion page 47 of the October All You Magazine
-$1.50 Dove Cream Oil Hand or Body Lotion, Any 8-17 RP
-$2 Dove Cool Essentials or Original Clean Clinical Deodorant, Any (expires 10-12) 8-17 RP
-$1 off 6 pk Dove Beauty Bar Soap, Any 8-17 RP
-$2 Dove Hair Care, Any $2 8-17 RP
-$3.50 Dove Skinvitalizer 8-17 RP
-$2 Dove Clinical Protection Deodorant
-$1.50 Dove Hair Care product (excludes trial size)
-$3.50 Dove Skin Vitalizer w/ 14ct refill of cleansing pillows
-$3.50 skin vitalizer

$2 RR wyb 2 Crest toothpaste or Oral-B toothbrush
-$1 off 2 Crest Toothpaste, any 4.1 oz+ P&G 8/28
-$.75 Oral-B Manual Toothbrush , any P&G 8/28

$3 RR wyb 3/$9 Kotex products
-$1 off 2 Kotex Light Days Pantiliners, any 34 ct + SS 9/7/08
-$1 off Kotex Pads, any SS 9/7/08
-$1 off 2 Kotex Security Tampons, any 18 ct+ SS 9/7/08
-$1 off Kotex
-$1 off Kotex

$5 RR wyb 2 or more Mucinex ($9.99)

Buy 2, Get $5 RR Buy 3, Get $10 RR
Dimetap/Robitussin $3.99
-$1 off Robitussin
-$2 off Dimetapp
Centrum/Caltrate $6.99
-$1 Centrum, any except 30 ct. V 9/21/08
-$1 Caltrate, any except 30 ct. V 8/10/08
-$2 Caltrate, any except 30 ct. V 9/7/08
Advil 6.99
-$1 Advil Cold & Sinus Product, any V 9/7/08
-$2 Advil PM, any 16 ct.+ V 9/21/08
-$1 off Advil
-$2 off advil
-$1 off Advil Cold & Sinus
-$2 off Advil Cold & Sinus

$4 RR wyb 2/$12 Dayquil/Nyquil
-$1 Vicks Nyquil or DayQuil, any 8/28

$3 RR wyb Alka-Seltzer 2/$10

Buy 1 get $2, Buy 2 or more, Get $5

$2 RR wyb $9.99 Miralax
-$2 off Miralax

Buy 2 products, receive $5 RR
Motrin/Tylenol $9.99
-$1 Tylenol Allergy, Cold or Sinus Product, any except trial size RP 9/28
-$1 Tylenol Product, any except trial SS 7/27/08
-$1 Tylenol, Any
Zyrtec $18.99
-$2 Zyrtec Childrens Product, any V 8/24/08
-$4 Zyrtec, 30 ct.+ or Zyrtec D, 24 ct.+ V 8/24/08

coupon match-ups

pert 13.5 oz $3.49
-$1.50 (exp 10-15) Pert Plus any excluding trial size 09-07 ss
-$2.50 off pert oct esc
=$.51 profit ♥

arm & hammer laundry detergent $1.99
-$1 oct esr #35 (limit 1)
-$1 off arm & hammer

7-Day coupons (Price with coupons):
Scott TP or Cottonelle 2/$6
-$? Scott TP or Tissue
-$1 Scott Paper Towels, 4+ rolls $1 SS 9/14/08
-$.50 Cottonelle Toilet Paper, 4-pack+ SS 9/21/08
Hershey's candy 39 cents
Encore Spices 2/$1
Royal Gelatin 5/$1
Butterball broth 2/$1
Powerade 79 cents
-$1 Powerade or Powerade Zero, 20 or 32 oz. SS 7/13/08
-$.75 Powerade or Powerade Zero, 20 or 32 oz. SS 6/8/08
arizona tea 3/$2
Energizer Batteries 2.99, 4pk AA or AAA, 2pk C or D pk.
-$1 Energizer Batteries
-$1.25 Energizer Brand Batteries or Flashlight 10-05 ss
Scotch tape BOGO (1.29)
votive candles 6/$1
Reynolds wrap 89 cents
Bounty basic towels 89 cents
-$.25 Bounty , any P&G 8/28
Ajax 2/$1
Ajax dish soap BOGO(1.79)
Aquafresh 2/$3
Ban deod. 2/$3
Walgreen cough drops BOGO (99 cents)
Blistex 99 cents
Abreva $3 off
Prilosec 18.99
Oscal $4 off
Viactive $3 off
Campbells CREAM soups $.69
-$.40 off 4 Campbells Cream Soups, any SS 9/14/08

Walgreens tissue 99 cents

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