& rebates
how walgreens works

march walgreens deals walgreens clearance

10/18 my trip today

i bought:
robitussin $3.99
robitussin $3.99
robitussin $3.99
oral b crossaction $4.49
ginger ale $1.29
bottle deposit $.05

subtotal $17.80

used coupons:
-$3 off robitussin (internet coupon no longer available)
-$2 off robitussin
-$1 Oral B manual Toothbrushes 09-28 PG

=$11.80 + $.50 tax (used $10 rr, $2.30 on wags gc)

$10 rr for robitussin (rr deal 9/1-10/31, sale price 10/12-10/18)
$4.50 rr for oral b crossaction (9/26 to 10/25)

spent $10 rr + $2.30 on gc
received $14.50 rr
profit: $2.20 ♥

he bought:
robitussin $3.99
robitussin $3.99
robitussin $3.99
oral b crossaction $4.49

subtotal $16.46

used coupons:
-$3 off robitussin (internet coupon no longer available)
-$1 Oral B manual Toothbrushes 09-28 PG

tried to use
-$2 off robitussin again
would not scan, cashier could not figure out how to enter, even with help from another cashier. eventually just let it go...

=$12.46 + $.39 tax (used $10 rr, $2.85 on wags gc)

$10 rr for robitussin (rr deal 9/1-10/31, sale price 10/12-10/18)
$4.50 rr for oral b crossaction (9/26 to 10/25)

spent $10 rr + $2.85 on gc
received $14.50 rr
profit: $1.65 ♥

both transactions combined = $3.85 profit ♥