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robitussin: hot deal (through 10/31)

from 10/24 to 10/31 two different robitussin deals are overlapping!

Robitussen or Dimetapp 4 oz 9/1 to 10/31
Buy 2 get $5 RR, Buy 3 get $10 RR

Robitussin 4 oz 10/24 - 11/22
Buy 2 get $2 RR, buy 3 get $5 RR

+$19.47 (3 robitussin @ $6.49 each, prices vary by store)
-$6 (use 3 of the $2 off robitussin coupons)
=$13.47 oop
-$10 rr received
-$5 rr received
=$1.53 profit ♥

if you still have the $3 robitussin coupon, you will do even better...

+$19.47 (3 robitussin @ $6.49 each, prices vary by store)
-$9 (use 3 coupons)
=$10.47 oop
-$10 rr received
-$5 rr received
=$4.53 profit ♥