contact walgreens regarding customer service here
don't know what to say? this is what i wrote...
"I just wanted to pass along a compliment about Mr. XXXX, as well as the employees at this store.
I am an avid coupon user and I love to take advantage of the register rewards deals that your store offers. Unfortunately, I have found that many stores tend to hassle coupon users or bargain shoppers like myself. So I try to make a point of putting in a good word for stores and employees whenever I have an especially good experience.
At a recent visit to this store, I had a couple of problems with my transaction. The advertised register rewards did not print and the 15% discount (for earth day) was not deducted.
Mr. XXXX was able to take care of the problem for me and even complimented me for shopping smart!
I also want to mention that the employees at this store have always been friendly and helpful as well.
Please pass this message along to the district manager for this store.
Thanks again for the great deals and more importantly, great employees!"
feel free to use what i wrote as a guide.