& rebates
how walgreens works

january walgreens deals walgreens clearance

08/31 my trip today

profit: $4.08

i bought:
Rembrandt Toothpaste ($5 - 15%) $4.25
Theraflu ($4.99 - 15%) $4.24
penway memo pad $.50

subtotal: $8.99

used coupons:
-15% wags friends and family discount (discounts deducted above)
-$2 Theraflu (must register)
-$2 theraflu healthy savings coupon book
-$.29 penway memo pad 4/$1 in-ad coupon

=$4.70 + $.38 tax

used rr:
$3 rr listerine

+ $2.08 cash

$5 rr Rembrandt Toothpaste 8/30-9/5
$3 rr Theraflu Cold, Cough or Sinus Relief 8/30-9/5

spent $3 rr + $2.08 cash
received $8 rr
profit: $2.92

then i bought:
Rembrandt Toothpaste ($5 - 15%) $4.25
penway memo pad $.50

subtotal: $4.75

used coupons:
-15% wags friends and family discount (discounts deducted above)
-$1 off Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse or Fluoride Rinse, 12 fl oz + or any Rembrandt Whitening Product SS 8/2/09
-$.29 penway memo pad 4/$1 in-ad coupon

=$3.46 + $.38 tax

used rr:
$3 rr listerine

+ $.84 cash

$5 rr Rembrandt Toothpaste 8/30-9/5

spent $3 rr + $.84 cash
received $5 rr
profit: $1.16

profit on both transactions combined: $4.08 ♥

i also used $1 off rembrandt on the first transaction, but i now i see it didn't come off. since i still got paid to buy the stuff, i can live with that... :)

this is a different store than i went to yesterday, but this one also had no carefree, colgate 360, mens zone, and reach toothbrushes!