& rebates
how walgreens works

march walgreens deals walgreens clearance

09/14 my trip today

profit: $6.01

i bought:
reese's whipps $.22 (clearance)
reese's whipps $.22 (clearance)
reese's whipps $.22 (clearance)
coke 20 oz $0 (free wyb 2 hershey's singles 1.4-2 oz)
bottle deposit $.05
Listerine 250 ml Advanced or total care $2.99
Triaminic $5
Triaminic $5
True North clusters $3
wags activity book $.99
wags activity book $.99

subtotal: $18.68

used coupons:
-$.55 Reeses Candy product, any 08-23 SS
-$1 listerine total care, any
-$4 ($2 x 2) triaminic liquids 4 oz or thin strips 14 ct healthy savings coupon book
-$1 true north 4-7 oz or 02-08 ss

=$12.13 + $.74 tax

used rr:
$3 rr neosporin
$3 rr scrubbing bubbles shower cleaner
$3 rr scrubbing bubbles shower cleaner
$2 rr carefree

+ $1.87 cash

$2 rr Listerine 250 ml Advanced or total care 9/13-9/19
$5 rr wyb 2 Triaminic Allergy, Sinus or Cold Relief 8/30-9/26
$5 bonus rr wyb 2 triaminic night time cold & cough upc 3 0043634404 5 or allergy strips upc 3 0043638314 3
$3 rr True North Nut Crisps or Clusters 9/13-9/19

will receive $.05 back for bottle deposit

spent $11 rr + $1.87 cash
received $15 rr
will receive $.05 deposit
profit: $2.18

then i bought:
reese's whipps $.22 (clearance)
reese's whipps $.22 (clearance)
reese's whipps $.22 (clearance)
coke 20 oz $0 (free wyb 2 hershey's singles 1.4-2 oz)
bottle deposit $.05
Triaminic $5
Triaminic $5

subtotal: $10.71

used coupons:
-$.55 Reeses Candy product, any 08-23 SS
-$4 ($2 x 2) triaminic liquids 4 oz or thin strips 14 ct healthy savings coupon book

=$6.16 + $.06 tax

used rr:
$3 rr true north
$2 rr listerine
$1 glade

+ $.22 cash

$5 rr wyb 2 Triaminic Allergy, Sinus or Cold Relief 8/30-9/26
$5 bonus rr wyb 2 triaminic night time cold & cough upc 3 0043634404 5 or allergy strips upc 3 0043638314 3

will receive $.05 back for bottle deposit

spent $6 rr + $.22 cash
received $10 rr
will receive $.05 deposit
profit: $3.83

profit on both transactions: $6.01 ♥

still no murine, but with this triaminic deal who cares!

if you didn't see my tweet or yesterday's trip post, triaminic night time cold & cough upc 3 0043634404 5 and allergy strips upc 3 0043638314 3 have been generating 2 $5 rr instead of the $5 advertised!!!

the free coke wyb 2 hershey singles is said to run all month! some stores have signs posted for it, mine did not.