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february walgreens deals walgreens clearance

may 2010 suggestive sell items

help out your favorite stores/cashiers wyb this month's suggestive sell items...
    Listerine Total Care or Cool Mint mouthwash 95 ml $.99

    ♥ reach Cleanburst or Mint floss 55 yd
      -$1 Reach Dental Floss (excludes trial sizes) OR Access Flosser 061409 ss buy coupon
      -$1 Reach Dental floss or any Reach Access Flosser 030710 rp buy coupon
      -$1 Reach Dental Floss OR Reach Access Flosser 101809 rp buy coupon
      -$3 off 3 Reach Toothbrush and Reach Floss and Reach Access Flosser and Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash 1L or larger 041110 rp buy coupon
      -$1 Reach Toothbrush or Value pack 030710 rp buy coupon
      -$1 Reach Toothbrush or Value Pack 101809 rp buy coupon

      -$1.50 off 2 Reach Toothbrush and/or Reach Floss and/or Reach Access Flosser and/or Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash 1L or larger 041110 rp buy coupon
      -$.50 off 1 Reach Toothbrush or Reach Floss or Reach Access Flosser or Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash 1L or larger 041110 rp buy coupon

    ♥ Reach Toothbrushes (certain varieties, details not available) $.99
      -$3 off 3 Reach Toothbrush and Reach Floss and Reach Access Flosser and Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash 1L or larger 041110 rp buy coupon
      -$1 Reach Toothbrush or Value pack 030710 rp buy coupon
      -$1 Reach Toothbrush or Value Pack 101809 rp buy coupon

      -$1.50 off 2 Reach Toothbrush and/or Reach Floss and/or Reach Access Flosser and/or Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash 1L or larger 041110 rp buy coupon
      -$.50 off 1 Reach Toothbrush or Reach Floss or Reach Access Flosser or Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash 1L or larger 041110 rp buy coupon

please note: the fact that the coupon values are more than the selling price makes this tricky.

at some stores, the coupon may go through for the full amount without any problem. if not, the store may...
    a - enter the coupon manually for it's face value
    b - enter the coupon manually for the selling price
    c - price modify the product to the value of the coupon, so that the coupon will go through
    d - refuse the coupons altogether :(

my sources:
g w c