& rebates
how walgreens works

january walgreens deals walgreens clearance

03/22 my trip today: acai, trash bags, & cheese

saved 78%
cost: $7.54

    i bought:
      applied nutrition 14 day acai berry cleanse 56 ct $10
      nice! trash bags 13 gal 45 pk $7.29
      nice! swiss cheese 8 oz $2.99
      easter tumbler $.39
    = $20.67

    used coupons:= $16.15 + $.36 tax

    paid with:
      $5 rr w nasal spray
      $5 rr w nasal spray
      $3 rr colgate
      $3.51 oop

    spent $16.51 ($13 rr + $3.51 oop)
    earned $11.03 ($10 rr + $1.02 prescription savings club)
    cost $5.48

    then i bought:
      applied nutrition 14 day acai berry cleanse 56 ct $10
      nice! swiss cheese 8 oz $2.99
      easter tumbler $.39
      easter tumbler $.39
    = $13.77

    used coupons:= $12.33 + $.03 tax

    paid with:
      $2 rr nescafe
      $2 rr nescafe
      $3 rr colgate
      $5.36 oop

      $10 rr applied nutrition 14 day acai berry cleanse 56 ct + fat burn cleanse 56 ct or acai berry cleanse 14 day single box 03/18-03/24
      $.30 nice! swiss cheese 10% back w/ prescription savings club

    spent $12.36 ($7 rr + $5.36 oop)
    earned $10.30 ($10 rr + $.30 prescription savings club)
    cost $2.06

cost of both transactions combined: $7.54

i had the monthly nice! trash bags coupon scanned before the weekly ad coupon, and they both went through without a problem. i don't know if the order matters in this case!