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colgate toothbrushes, toothpaste, & mouthwash get 5000 pts wyb $10
5000 pts = $5-$6.25
excedrin pain relief 80/100 ct (select) get 5000 pts wyb 2/$20
5000 pts = $5-$6.25
-$2 wyb Excedrin® 20 ct. or larger. Expires 4/22/2018 savingstar offer
-$1.50 wyb Excedrin® 80ct. or larger. Expires 6/17/2018 savingstar offer
-$2 Excedrin 20 ct or larger, exp 04/22/18 (04/08/18 rp)
-$1.50 Excedrin 80 ct or larger, exp 04/08/18 (01/07/18 rp)
-$1.50 Excedrin 80 ct or larger, exp 06/17/18 (04/08/18 rp)
-$1 excedrin pm headache product 24ct or larger
-$1 excedrin product 20ct or larger
5000 pts = $5-$6.25 10% back w/ beauty club |
jergens natural glow skin care bogo 50% off get 2000 pts wyb 2
2 oz reg psa $2.89 included?
2000 pts = $2-$2.50
10% back w/ beauty club
listerine dental care get 5000 pts wyb $10
5000 pts = $5-$6.25
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campbell's well yes! & chunky soup or chili 15.25-19 oz $1.99 or 2/$3 |
garnier skin care bogo 50% off
excludes sheet masks
10% back w/ beauty club
kellogg's cereal 8.7-13.7 oz (select) $2.49 or 2/$4
frosted flakes & froot loops pictured
-$.15 wyb Kellogg's Frosted Flakes® Cereal for any variety, 9.5 oz. box or larger. Expires April 14, 2018 1:44 PM ibotta offer (offers & exp may vary by user)
-$1 Kellogg's Cereal 8.7 oz+ (kellogg's family rewards - 850 points)
-$1 off 2 kellogg's frosted flakes, froot loops, apple jacks and/or corn pops cereals
nice! peanuts 16 oz & trail mix 6-9 oz (select) $1.99
10% back w/ prescription savings club
-$2 persil proclean liquid or power-caps laundry detergent (excludes 6 loads or less trial/travel sizes) -$2 Persil® ProClean® Laundry Detergent (Excludes 6 Loads or Less Trial/Travel Sizes) |
-$.50 purex liquid laundry detergent (any size) -$.50 Purex® Liquid or Powder Detergent (any size) -$.50 Purex® Liquid or Powder Laundry Detergent -$.50 Purex Liquid or Powder Detergent any size, exp 05/05/18 (04/08/18 rp) |
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charli_aka @ instagram
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