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april 2012 rr deals 04/01 - 04/28

register rewards

    aarp members get $5 rr wyb $20 04/01-04/28

    Band-Aid , Zyrtec , Neosporin , or Neutrogena Sun Care get $10 RR wyb $30

    Brita standard pitcher or replacement filters get $3 RR

    Coppertone or Bain de Soleil get $3 RR

    Cottonelle Toilet Paper 12 Pk get $2 rr wyb 2 or get $3 rr wyb 3 04/03-04/28

    Digiorno small pizzas get $2 RR wyb 3, get $3 RR wyb 4, or get $4 RR wyb 5

    dole all natural fruit jars 24.5 oz get $1 rr wyb 3 4/16-5/13

    dole pineapple, mango, or apple real fruit bites get $1 rr wyb 2 4/16-5/13

    Dove Body Wash 18/24 oz or bar soap 6 pk get $6 RR WYB 3/$18

free 8x10 photo print (exp 03/17)

FREE 8x10 print

valid through 03/17

enter code


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place separate orders to use both codes
choose in-store pick-up to avoid a shipping charge

april 2012 coupon book 04/01 - 04/28

view ad: html or pdf

coupon book can be found in wags stores starting 04/01
coupons will also be available for printing here
coupons expire 04/28/2012